Justyna Dryl
Lives, works and goes to parties in Poznań, Poland
Graduated in Photography from University of Arts in Poznań
Graduated in Ethnolinguistics from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Solo exhibitions
ciała nie-obce (non-foreign bodies) projekt AK30, Poznań 2016
Byt rozstraja świadomość (Being unsettles consciousness) Galeria Mała Czarna, Łódź 2015
Group exhibitions
Rzekoma Śmierć Fotografii czyli Traktat o Nieumarłych Obrazach (The So-Called Death of Photography that is The Treatise about Undead Images) Różnia, Warsaw 2016
The So-Called Death of Photography, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin 2016
Reinterpretation OFF_Festival, Bratislava 2015
Czarne słońca (Black suns) central of PKO BP, Warsaw 2015
Stany świadomości (States of consciousness) Kolektyw 1A, Poznań 2014